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The family Preservation Program  provides structured, documented supervised visitation via Zoom or face to face meetings.


  • Focused on individual expectations of MCFD referrals: Parental Involvement; Attendance; Parenting Skills; Skill building; Referrals to outside Agencies; Health; Pediatrician recommendations; and incorporating culture into our program to recognize and honor the surrounding First Nations peoples that we serve

  • Work collaboratively with Kermode internal supports to assist and support the families. The Family Preservation Program will refer our families to other programs within Kermode in order to surround and support our families with wrap around services to meet their needs in a wholistic manner. -Foster the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical development of all  children 

  • Foster spiritual, emotional, physical and mental support for parents attending the programs in a culturally appropriate environment.

  • Collaboration with MCFD counterparts; foster parents; Health practitioners and all other outside supports and internal Kermode supports

Family Preservation



The Out of Care Support worker assists caregivers who are in ‘Out of Care’ agreements such as Extended Family Program agreements or ‘EFP’s’ and 54.01 agreements. The Out of Care Support Worker will:


  • Maintain communication with caregivers and provide supports such as upcoming workshops, food bank, programs etc.Touching base with EFP caregivers to see if they need support on upcoming meetings with MCFD

  • Connect clients to appropriate agencies i.e.: counselling, CDBC, Child Youth Special Needs, pediatricians, dentist, child care agencies, Makola or low income housing, Turning Points, Skeena Kalum Housing; food share program; Salvation Army; Baby House pantry

  • Help client fill out forms (Child Tax Benefit, child care subsidy, housing status cards, daycare and respite etc.)

  • Communicate with MCFD and collaborate on priority of needs to be addressed

  • Out of Care Support Worker will provide information on raising children/teens with a disorder (FASD, Autism, PTSD, ADD, ADHD etc)

  • Assist EFP (Extended Family Program) caregivers as well as caregivers under 54.01 agreements to access supports and ensure understanding of allowable supports within each agreement.

  • Grants have been received in the past to hold cultural celebrations for children who receive permanency under 54.01 agreements and we have held cultural celebrations where children receive cultural vests. Incorporating culture into our programs is important as we serve a the urban First Nations population, non – First Nations and Metis. This program is an MCFD contract and our referrals are received from the Ministry of Children and Family Development office.

Holding Hands
Out of Care



This program assists a parent or individual through a lifestyle change bringing awareness, education and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in our communities. We provide this in the various capacities: mentorship model and group based model and community events.

In the family environment; we help parents to overcome their personal challenges supporting their goals for growth and improvement.

As a team, we mentor alternative styles in family dynamics and healing from substance abuse. This is attained through assistance with parenting, family planning, budgeting, time management, mediation and referral to community services.

Eligible participants are parents who struggle with drug or alcohol misuse and in their child bearing years. The Circle of Life program offers a stigma free, supportive environment to women who:

  • are within their childbearing years

  • are affected by FASD or has a family member who is

  • are not connected to community services; or

  • are currently using alcohol and/or drugs or have a history of substance misuse

  • have previously had a child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Circle of Life

Complex Developmental Behavioral Conditions



The CDBC (Complex Developmental Behavioural Conditions) Program provides support services to families who have children and youth with CDBC such as, (but not limited to) FASD, ADHD, ADD, and ODD. The Key Worker provides one on one support, community education, parenting groups, as well as support before, during and after a clinical assessment. The Key Worker is there to advocate for families at meetings with doctors, IEP’s at schools, and MCFD as well as assist with behavioural strategies and linking families to the appropriate service providers and health care professionals.


The CDBC Program continues to increase awareness in the community by sharing knowledge, prevention and intervention strategies and promote a better future for children with CDBC through confidence, acceptance and understanding.

Trees in the Wind
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