Dear Reader,
We are happy to have you here and to share with you the first edition of our brand new quarterly newsletter, the Mooksgm'ol Wilaay'nt (Kermode Announcements). We hope you'll enjoy reading it!
The Editorial Team consulted on the nature and scope of the content to ensure that it stayed within the vision of the project. This provided the framework for the newsletter you are reading today. We see this as a first step toward building a vibrant communication channel to engage with and learn from the members of the communities we serve.
Among other things, this newsletter aims to:
​- Provide engaging content and useful information on Kermode programs and services
- Highlight inspiring stories and events from the communities
- Encourage community feedback, ideas and suggestions
​We would love to hear your opinion about our first newsletter and any ideas you may have to make each edition meaningful, engaging and useful for you.​
Click HERE to send us your feedback.
Have a wonderful summer!
The Editorial Team
Aboriginal Early Childhood Development (AECD)
The AECD Program promotes a community minded approach to supporting families through a range of services which includes prevention, early intervention, education, training and outreach. The intent is to provide safe, nurturing environments for children, maximize their growth, and enhance their developmental potential
The AECD Pregnancy Outreach Program
This program provides education and support services to clients of childbearing years, pregnant mothers, post-natal, their families, and newborn care. It includes:
- Drop-In Weekly Group (Tuesdays) 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm - various topics/speakers (includes lunch)
- One-on-one in-house sessions /Pregnancy Outreach/Home Visits
Aboriginal Infant Development (AIDP)
The AIDP Program provides education, support, and assistance to families with children who are ages zero to six (0-6) and are at risk of a disability. Whether it is a delay in development or a designated disability.
Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)
This program promotes the healthy development of young children from birth to age six (0-6), who face challenges that put their health at risk, such as:
> Poverty
> Teen Pregnancy
> Social and Geographical Isolation
> New Immigrants
> Food Security
> Substance Use
> Family Violence
Perinatal Nursing Program - PPSUP Program
The Pregnancy Nurse Outreach Program provides a safe space, free of judgement and barriers, to receive pregnancy support, prenatal/postnatal care, and well babe visits. This program provides 1:1 substance use, harm reduction support and care, as well as, home, hospital and community pregnancy outreach.
The Kermode Aboriginal Head Start Program is a Preschool Program designed for children ages 3 to 5 of Aboriginal descent. Our program is one of the twelve (1 of 12) Urban Aboriginal Head Start Programs in BC. Our primary focus is to provide services for the children and their families support Early Childhood Development and instill pride in their Aboriginal heritage. Our goal is bringing them to the school readiness stage in order to help ensure an easy transition into Kindergarten.
The Kermode Aboriginal Head Start Daycare is a fully funded daycare designed for children ages 12 months to 3 years and children aged 3 to 5 of Indigenous descent. Our primary focus is to provide services for the children and their families support Early Childhood Development and instill pride in their Indigenous heritage.
Youth Empowerment is a prevention and early intervention program available at our Kalum facility. It provides one on one and group support to children 0-19 years of age and their families by offering culturally appropriate mental health services though education, advocacy, outreach, and support to promote positive mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being for children, youth, and families. We aim to provide holistic programming that incorporates traditional healing methods and cultural enhancement. Kermode utilizes the medicine wheel framework to balance the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional needs of children, youth and families. Programs are aimed at enhancing the children’s protective factors, strengthening resilience and promoting health and wellness in all aspects of their lives.
​The family Preservation Program provides structured, documented supervised visitation via Zoom or face to face meetings. Focused on individual expectations of MCFD referrals: Parental Involvement; Attendance; Parenting Skills; Skill building; Referrals to outside Agencies; Health; Pediatrician recommendations; and incorporating culture into our program to recognize and honor the surrounding First Nations peoples that we serve
The Out of Care Support worker assists caregivers who are in ‘Out of Care’ agreements such as Extended Family Program agreements or ‘EFP’s’ and 54.01 agreements. The Out of Care Support Worker will:
> Maintain communication with caregivers and provide supports such as upcoming workshops, food bank, programs etc. touching base with EFP caregivers to see if they need support on upcoming meetings with MCFD
> Connect clients to appropriate agencies i.e.: counselling, CDBC, Child Youth Special Needs, pediatricians, dentist, child care agencies, Makola or low income housing, Turning Points, Skeena Kalum Housing; food share program; Salvation Army; Baby House pantry
This program assists mothers through lifestyle changes bringing awareness, education and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in our communities.
This program assists a parent or individual through a lifestyle change bringing awareness, education and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in our communities. We provide this in the various capacities: mentorship model and group based model and community events.
In the family environment; we help parents to overcome their personal challenges supporting their goals for growth and improvement.
The CDBC (Complex Developmental Behavioral Conditions) program provides support services to families who have children and youth with CDBC such as, (but not limited to) FASD, ADHD, ADD, and other complex needs. The Key Worker is the family support part of the CDBC team that does clinical assessments for FASD, Complex Needs, and Autism. The Key Worker provides one on one support, community education, monthly parenting/caregiver support groups, as well as; support before, during and after a clinical assessment. The Key Worker is there to support families at meetings with doctors, IEP’s at schools, and MCFD as well as assist with behavioral strategies and linking families to the appropriate outside resources.
In the modern era, even as we support the rising of the new generation, we wish to assist our Seniors by providing them support, care and options for a healthy lifestyle. Even with many social support societies being available, seniors are not aware of all the benefits that are provided for their needs. With that in mind Kermode Friendship Society is proud to offer the Knowledge Keepers Elders Program with the main goal of providing social and emotional support to seniors whether they are Aboriginal or not. We also aim to provide them information and resources to encourage them to participate in activities provided by Kermode Friendship Centre.
The purpose of the Employment Program is to identify and remove barriers to employment through skills training, resume writing, and interview and networking skills.
Employment, Life Skills & Training (ELST) is a program funded by the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centers . The ELST initiative is part of the BCAAFC’s strategy to increase employment and training among Indigenous people.
The outreach program offers support and advocacy to individuals, experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness. Emergency funds are available to prevent evictions, disconnections as well as to assist in obtaining housing. Our outreach workers work along side individuals, to assess and work through a plan for positive changes, at the pace of those served. Assisting with housing applications, treatment center applications, transportation, advocate and support with medical and legal appointments and referrals to other service providers in the community. The outreach department spends time in the community checking on wellbeing of individuals, offering food, water and other supports, to those who are street engaged or living in encampments.
The Highway monitors drive our local highways and roads monitoring for individuals who may need assistance or supports. Traveling in all directions out of Terrace, as well as to some of the back road areas where encampments are set up.
(As a part of National Truth & Reconciliation Day)
Friday, September 30, 2022
4714 Park Avenue, Terrace, B.C.
Stan Bevan (b. 1961) is an established Northwest Coast Artist recognized for his superbly innovative design and his impeccable attention to detail. The nephew of acclaimed Tahltan-Tlingit master carver Dempsey Bob, Stan was born to a Tahltan-Tlingit mother and Tsimshian father. He began his training as an artist at the Gitanmaax School of Northwest Coast Indian Art at ‘Ksan in Hazelton, BC in 1979, after which he completed a two year apprenticeship with Dempsey Bob. Stan subsequently provided Dempsey with assistance on a number of major commissions in the years following, including a 31-foot pole in Ketchikan, Alaska and a 12-foot house post in Saxman Village.
By 1987, Stan had a strong grounding in art and culture, having contributed to numerous commissions, educational projects, and ceremonies. He created a totem pole for the University of British Columbia First Nations House of Learning, and in 1992, he completed
a totem pole that represented Canada at Expo ’92 in Seville, Spain (later raised at the Kitselas Cultural Centre). Today, Stan’s carvings can be found in major public, private, and corporate collections. He is credited with bringing about a revival of Tlingit art and design. He recently retired from Coordinator/Instructor at the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art in Terrace, BC.
From Stan’s blog, November 26, 2021:
I'm honoured to recently have received an award from the BC Achievement Awards. This award was possible with the support over the years of many people like my father Mel Bevan, my uncle Dempsey Bob, the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art, Bill McLennan, Brenda Crabtree, Gary Wyatt and many more.
For more imformation about Stan and his work, please visit his Website HERE or his Facebook page HERE
Friday, July 29, 2022
Please come and join us at 3313 Kalum Street building on July 29 9:00am to 4:00pm. Nenqayni Treatment Centre will be joining us for the day to showcase their program and provide an overview of the wonderful programming available for youth! An overview of funding processes and continuing care after the program is complete. Nenqayni is a youth treatment facility located in Williams Lake. Lunch will be provided and this is open to all community members who are interested in attending.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Kermode Friendship Society is inviting all community members to George Little Park to acknowledge National Overdose Awareness day on August 31 2022. Please see the attached poster for a list of activities throughout this day. If you have lost a loved one to substance misuse please bring a picture and it can be posted in the memorial site in acknowledgement of your loss.
Friday, September 09, 2022
We welcome all social service providers to come us at the REM Lee Theatre on September 8 2022. Doors will open at 9:00am - 4:00pm. Kermode Friendship Society is happy to offer this exciting training opportunity surrounding FASD & Justice. Dr. Michelle Stewart from the University of Saskatchewan will be coming to facilitate for the day. This training is free of charge. Social service providers can click on the link to register. Lunch will be provided.
September 9 - Kermode Friendship Society is inviting community members to acknowledge FASD Day with us at the Terrace Arena. Doors open at 8:30am where a pancake breakfast will be served. 9:09am the drum will sound and four speakers will share information surrounding FASD and Justice. Speakers will include Dr. Michelle Stewart; Jesse Peden from youth probation; Judith Kenican from Parent Legal Centre and Barbara Bond from Restorative Justice
Acknowledgement to Tarea Laton
The Kermode Friendship family would like to welcome and acknowledge our very own Tarea Laton who will be coordinating our Outreach program. In a very short period of time you have hired some great staff who will be a part of your team and coordinated this amazing event with a number of collaborative partners. Well done -your energy and spirit is going to assist and support so many community members! Our hands are raised and we are excited to see all of the amazing future efforts you will be providing! Big shout out and thankyou Tarea - keep up the great work!
Held on Friday, June 03, 2022
AHS Preschool, 3313 Kalum Street, Terrace, B.C.
Aboriginal Head Start participates in the Health Fair every year. We hope you had the opportunity to take part in the year’s health fair and enjoy all of the activities that took place at the Terrace Arena. We have captured a few of our staff partaking in this wonderful community event!
Friday, June 30, 2022
George Little Park, Terrace, B.C.
National Indigenous Day was celebrated at George Little Park on June 18th 2022 this year. We thank all who were in attendance to celebrate being Indigenous. We had food vendors, drumming, a story walk for the littles, bannock and moose calling contests, tug of war and a bike parade. We hope everyone enjoyed this event and look forward to celebrating with you all next year!